Episode 49 – Preparing For The Death Of A Loved One

It is a difficult subject, but everyone eventually dies, and we all must know how to prepare for and what we must do when a loved one dies.   

Consulting and possibly hiring a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction is important in not only preparing a will but also in estate planning in general. It would also be a good idea to check out Nolo Press’ books on the subject: Willmaker and Trust Book And Software Kit For 2021, and The Executor’s Guide: Settling A Loved One’s Estate Or Trust. I like Nolo Press. It is a collection of legal guides that are written by attorneys but in plain language that non-attorneys can understand.

There is one good book, Before I Go, that everyone should use to prepare their loved ones to get together assets, insurance polices and the rest as they enter the probate process. 

All this talk of death reminds me that the Kindle version of my book, EMP NYC, which has a very high death toll, is free for a few days on Amazon. Go to the link here.


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