Episode 45 – Invasion Of The Californians

Be afraid: Californians are leaving the dump that California has become, and they may be coming to your state, bringing their voting habits with them!

Reportedly, it cost four times as much to rent a moving truck in San Francisco for a move to Austin, Texas, than the other way around. Why? Because Californians have voted so liberal for so long that the once-Golden State has become a nightmare. There is now an exodus of Californians to better-run states, with the problem being that ex-Californians vote like they are still back home. There are signs that other states, like Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas, may be so populated by ex-Californians that someday the California transplants will outvote the locals, making the state where they moved just as bad as California was.

That is what has happened to Portland, Oregon, which used to be a nice place. Now it is filled with angry California transplants, who are doing their best to turn this once-pleasant location into east Los Angeles. Same for other once-pleasant locations. 

If you look around and notice that this might be happening to your area, it might be time to move further away, or to set up a survival retreat far enough away so that you and your family may actually be able to survive if times get really bad.

Setting up a survival retreat is the subject of my book, Dirt Cheap Valuable Survival Retreat. In that book I discuss how inexpensive it is to buy a large piece of vacant land out in the country. The book lists several websites that will enable you to find very inexpensive properties only a few hours drive away, no matter where you live. My book also discusses what to do after you acquire the vacant land, like setting up a front gate, preparing safe dirt roads, digging a water well and preparing an inexpensive place to live. Safe storage of survival equipment is also described.

Other topics discussed in this episode include the harvesting of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop hard drive, which I think is a smoking gun that will doom presidential candidate Joe Biden and his family for years to come, regardless of this year’s election results. This scandal also has the feel of the tip if the iceberg, so that it may also ensnare other higher-ups from the Obama administration.

Another topic discussed in this episode is the Covid research I did for my sister, who might have contracted this virus. The hydroxychloroquine controversy has not gone away, and this medication still appears to be just as safe and beneficial (together with other medications) as it was discovered to be a few months ago. Some doctors have set up a website here that publishes some facts about this drug. One of the doctors in this group, Dr. Simone Gold, says that “hydroxychloroquine is a magic bullet if you take it early.”

I also found an article that discusses how well the continent of Africa is doing in its fight with Covid, because hydroxychloroquine, which was already used to survive malaria, is plentiful there and can also be used to survive Covid. 

This episode also incudes discussion of Michelle Obama’s annoying video, in which she claimed that BLM protests are entirely peaceful, and that it is racist to suggest otherwise. Maybe our eyes and ears are racist when we see videos like this and this, or this one, when BLM protesters are attacking nearby citizens or police officers, and rioting. A few weeks ago, after someone tried to assassinate two sheriff’s deputies in Compton, California, BLM protesters showed up and created a disturbance at the hospital where the deputies were taken. The BLM protesters yelled out “I hope they die,” and “you’re next” at the police officers guarding the hospital. 

It could be that Michelle Obama might not know about all this BLM violence if it is difficult to access the news from her 7000-square-foot mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.

Don’t forget your homework assignment:

Before voting in this year’s election, you need to watch one or both of the following movies:

High Noon

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance  


And while you’re at it, consider shopping at Amazon’s Warehouse Deals — up to 70% off! — from our affiliate link here. Shopping at Amazon through the Survival In Motion Amazon store helps defray production costs.


Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.  


Episode 43 – The Evil Of The Mob

What will you do when a violent mob comes for you, your business or loved ones? Recent mob attacks have taken place in departments stores, gas stations, outdoor restaurants, car dealerships, furniture stores, as well as the usual, police stations and courthouses. Police are ordered to “stand down” while innocent people get attacked, in public or even in their homes.

And no person or town is immune. If the mob has not attacked people in your town, it may be just a matter of time.

It will certainly help to know the ingredients that make a group of people so evil that they commit acts of violence against people they don’t even know.  In this episode I discuss the ingredients that have been found to be present when mobs turn violent. Knowing these elements might help you react to a mob attack.

Here, here and here are links to videos that help explain the psychology involved in mob violence. I don’t like the references to Christianity and Trump, but I believe these videos are still very educational. Here is a video of Steven Crowder discussing the issue of mobs with Dr. Jordan Peterson.


Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson (author of EMP NYC) on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.  

Episode 42 – Surviving Protesters In The Road

Recently there has been a rash of protesters who storm into the street and threaten drivers, vandalize their cars and sometimes even pull drivers out and attack them. Sometimes drivers are even shot at as they try to leave. It seems like what happened to Reginald Denny in 1992 is what more and more of these protesters have in mind: pulling an unsuspecting driver out of their car and trying to beat them to death. The protesters are outraged if anyone gets away, especially if the driver nudges their way through the line of protesters. In this episode I share some thoughts on how to survive such an encounter.

Ethical Preparedness has a YouTube video on the same subject here, and it has some great advice.

Here is the Reginald Denny event in 1992. It is difficult, but you should watch it so that you know what could possibly happen to you if you are driving and the road is suddenly blocked by protesters.

Here are videos of some other unfortunate drivers who were recently shot by protesters in the road when the driver tried to get away: Danny Pruitt in Alamosa, Colorado, and an unnamed driver in his 60’s in Provo, Utah. The gunmen in both cases were charged with attempted murder but were let out after having to pay very low bail.

(By the way, Mr. Pruitt’s family has set up a Go Fund Me at this link here not only to pay his medical expenses but also to support his young daughter. I encourage you to donate.)

Here is the news story of another Provo driver who was shot while trying to get away from a mob of protesters in the street. Protesters in Provo seem very angry at anyone who wants to drive away.

Here are links to some survival items I suggest you consider buying:

Fire extinguisher small enough that it may fit in the glove compartment of your car

First aid kit for your car

Entry-level dash cam

Check out concealed carry insurance at USCCA, CCW Safe, and US Law Shield. There are other concealed carry insurance providers, so shop around.

Here is a link to some great pepper spray, available on Amazon. (Only buy this if it is legal in your area.)

Here is a link to a great self-defense item (actually it is called a “multi-tool hatchet”) sold on Amazon.

And while you’re at it, consider shopping at Amazon’s Warehouse Deals — up to 70% off! — from this link here. Shopping at Amazon through the Survival In Motion Amazon store helps defray production costs.


Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.  


Episode 41 – Anarchy Ensues

The last several weeks have seen total anarchy in the streets of many big cities in the United States, following the death of an African-American, George Floyd, at the hands of his arresting police officers in Milwaukee May 25, 2020. In the weeks that followed, Floyd’s death has become a distant memory, replaced by restless 20-somethings bent on destroying statues and businesses, and threatening and attacking any innocent pedestrians or motorists nearby. God only knows where this will all end.

In this episode I discuss the stupidest idea I have ever seen adapted on a mass scale, that of eliminating police forces, and how it will endanger minority neighborhoods while the wealthy and well-connected remain protected by their own private security. In a way, this is already taking place in Milwaukee, where the city council has voted to eliminate the police for the rest of the city, but, citing death threats, has kept publicly-funded security forces for themselves. What if a regular citizen needs protection? Tough luck. Expect to see more and more of this. I guess some people are just more equal than others.

I also discuss some ideas on how to avoid dangerous mobs, and I suggest setting up some rules on when a motorist should be allowed to drive through an angry mob to protect his or her life. This is becoming more and more of an issue in America today, as angry mobs stream into streets and highways, block traffic, and attack cars and people. (For a history lesson on why this is important, check out this disturbing video of the innocent trucker, Reginald Denny, attacked by a mob blocking a street, during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992.)

Here is the link of the armed mob in Lansing, Michigan, threatening motorists and telling them to leave, One can only hope that in a few days the police, who were nearby watching this, will issue felony arrest warrants for the felonious protesters.

Here is a news video of a protester in Alamosa, Colorado, who shot the driver of a truck who slowed down, then tried to drive very slowly though a crowd of protesters standing in the street. The driver is now on life support, and his family set up a Go Fund Me at this link here not only to pay his medical expenses but also to support his daughter. I encourage you to donate.

Here is a link to some great pepper spray, available on Amazon. (Only buy this if it is legal in your area.)

Here is a link to a great self-defense item (actually it is called a “multi-tool hatchet”) sold on Amazon.  

There is always the good old “neck-knife,” sold on Amazon here.

And while you’re at it, consider shopping at Amazon’s Warehouse Deals — up to 70% off! — from this link here. Shopping at Amazon through the Survival In Motion Amazon store helps defray production costs.


Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.