Episode 39 – What Has Worked

Since our country has been shut down and everyone told to stay home and go broke, some (but not all) of my family’s preps have worked out. In this episode I go over the preps that have worked.

First, I visit our chicken coup. Our chickens have continued to lay eggs, and we have not needed to buy any from the grocery stores. Have you ever considered setting up a chicken coup? It is easier than you might think, it produces great eggs, and it’s fun!

Next, I go to our survival retreat and walk through one of our two shipping containers that is filled with MREs, freeze-dried food (mostly Mountain House) and various supplies. If you have the means, I strongly suggest you buy a survival retreat, get a shipping container and fill it up with food and supplies. I discussed what supplies you need and how to find property to buy and where and how to get a shipping container in my two books, Dirt Cheap Valuable Prepping, and Dirt Cheap Valuable Survival Retreat.

I am not a doctor and I have not had any medical training, but at the end of this episode I lament  how some treatments that look to be effective in treating Covid-19 have become political issues. No one seemed to care about them until President Trump suggested that anyone infected with this virus ask their doctor about them.

PJ Media has a great roundup of the controversy here. Here is a link to a great interview of one of the doctors who used this regimen to treat his Covid-19 patients. Here is the link to a video of another doctor discussing this regimen. A French doctor discusses his success hereHere and here are great testimonies from people who had the virus but were cured by use of these pills. Here is an interesting video of a man whose Covid-19 symptoms were so bad that he called his friends to say goodbye. One of his friends suggested he ask his doctor about hydroxychloroquine, which he did, and after taking the drug saw his symptoms vanish. 

If you feel that you are infected with Covid-19, talk with a doctor before deciding to begin or end any medication, including those discussed in these videos.

This controversy reminded me of the DDT controversy from days gone by: politics stands in the way of protecting people, and deaths may result. Here is a great book on that subject.  

Here are some useful links:

McMurray Hatchery: this website has all you need to know about chicken coups. It even sells chickens, which can be shipped to you! Also, check out their blog.  

Here is the link to the great egg incubator I discussed. It costs $150, and kids love watching the eggs hatch.

Amazon sells the gamma seal lids here for $15. These things are great and they fit the 5-gallon buckets that can be bought at most hardware stores.

Here is a link to a pouch of Mountain House freeze-fried spaghetti that costs only $10. Just try it out! Open the envelope, remove the oxygen sensor, pour in some hot water, let it sit for 15 minutes, then eat it. You will see what I mean. This food has a shelf-life of 35 years, and it’s tasty!


Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.  


Episode 27 – Dystopian Author Boyd Craven

Boyd Craven is a very talented author, and has written over 30 fictional books about people trying to survive either hard times or the end of the world as we know it.

Boyd’s latest book is Darkest Days: Still Surviving and is available on Amazon here. In this podcast, we also discussed another of his books, One Man’s Opus: A Survival And Preparedness Story, which be found here. Boyd’s late dog Beast is prominently discussed in that book.

Boyd’s website is Boydcraven.com, and his Amazon Author profile is here.


Craven had an experience with an online scammer, who tried to get some money out of Boyd, and Boyd put the scammer through the Twilight Zone. There is probably a Gofundme collection set up somewhere to pay for the therapy bills needed by this unfortunate scammer, whose only misdeed was to try and scam Boyd out of a few bucks. Part of the hilarious exchange can be found here.






Anyone can follow Author Cal Wilson on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.



Episode 22 – Survivalist Author Angery American

Today I caught up with survivalist and post-apocalyptic author, Chris Weatherman, known by his pen name, Angery American.

Angery American is known mostly for having written the “Going Home” book series, which is currently being turned into a TV series. Angery American can be followed on Amazon here.

He has also co-written books with authors Walt Browning and G. Michael Hopf.

In this wide-ranging interview, we discussed how he comes up with the characters and plots in his books, the book business, Beowulf, the political riots in the news lately, and the relationship between prepper enthusiasm and which political party occupies the White House. We even discussed how he got the “Angery” part of his pen name.

Here is the list of blogs, websites, book and YouTube channels Angery American either produces or follows:


AngeryAmerican.tv (buy his swag here!)

Alas Babylon book

Sootch00 YouTube channel

Mike The Cop YouTube channel

R&U Videos YouTube channel

Facebook group: Angery American Asylum


Anyone can follow me on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.


Episode 19 – Doctor And Dystopian Author Walt Browning

This was a great conversation I had with doctor and dystopian author, Walt Browning.  Browning has been a doctor in Florida for over 30 years, and has authored several post-apocalyptic books entitled the Charlie’s Requiem series, and a military adventure book, entitled The Book of Frank.  In this conversation, Browning and I discuss many topics, including antibiotics, ways to stop bleeding, dehydration, PTSD, Islamic terror, diseases, first aid kits, dogs, and guns.  We even discuss medical and dental tourism.

Check out Browning’s books on Amazon here, along with the books of his occasional co-authors and collaborators, Angery American and Nicholas Sansbury Smith.

During this interview, Browning and I refer to the following items / websites / books:

The Best Years Of Our Lives DVD.  This is one of Hollywood’s earlier attempts at discussing “shell shock,” now known as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

Books for dog lovers: Racing In The Rain, and A Dog’s Purpose books

EMP: The End Of The Grid As We Know It book

Dirt Cheap Valuable Prepping book

Amazon 300-Piece First Aid Kit with cool carrying case for only $25!

Compression Bandages

Gauze With Clotting Agent

Trauma Kits: basic / intermediate / maybe too much but if you are totally serious about this stuff

Tourniquet With Holster

Facing Darkness DVD.  This is a gripping documentary about the Franklin Graham Ministry’s attempt to take on the Ebola outbreak in west Africa in 2014

Skinny Medic website (skinnymedic.com).  This looks great.  The website has useful medical stuff for sale and has links to some very helpful YouTube videos

The 15:17 To Paris DVD: this is a great movie, not only because it shows a terrorist getting his butt kicked, but the movie also shows how USAF Airman Spencer Stone stops the bleeding of someone on the Paris-bound train who had been shot in the neck.  This disc also shows actual news footage of Spencer and his friends being awarded medals during their vacation to France.

Where There Is No Doctor book (updated in 2015)

Watch for Browning’s new book releases, and the re-release of “Lost Valley” book, which was an Amazon Kindle World book until Amazon discontinued the Kindle World program.


Anyone can follow me on Amazon at this link here, and that way you will be updated by Amazon whenever I have a new book sold on Amazon.

Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.


Episode 16 – Prepper’s Sermon: Memorial Day 2018

Occasionally I volunteer to give a sermon at our local nursing home, and included here is a recording of the the sermon I gave last July.  The themes of Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day and July 4 are all wrapped into this episode.

Your Christian faith, and what happens to you after you die, are legitimate prepper issues.  Serious preppers should listen to this episode, and take seriously the issue of faith.

There were some serious moments in this talk, but also a few jokes and a happy audience.  There was even a good story I found of George Washington praying during the American Revolutionary War.

There are no Amazon links to any products, but below are some useful links for further investigation into this most important topic (I like these pastors).  You can also find a good local church from these links:

Greg Laurie:


John Piper:


Billy Graham Evangelistic Association:


Voddie Baucham


Ravi Zacharias



Please stay in touch with the Survival In Motion podcast, and with Author Cal Wilson, by subscribing with your e-mail address, and by subscribing to this podcast by RSS, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or the other audio service providers.  It would also be cool if you would leave a review for this podcast on iTunes or somewhere.